Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The tale of James and the passive aggressive bathroom schedule

One morning, James, feeling refreshed after his morning shower, discovered a mysterious sheet of paper taped to the bathroom door. 

"What on earth could this be?" he thought to himself. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed to be a schedule, dividing morning bathroom time between James and his host sister. He smiled to himself at the only explanation offered by the piece of paper, "MERCI" written in all capital letters, it took up more space on the page than the actual schedule did.

He considered attempting to spread democracy (as is the duty of every American traveling abroad) by suggesting that he be allowed to have a say in his time allotment, however, after actually reading the schedule, it became clear that everything on it was perfectly fair.

A pang in his stomach distracted James from his embarrassment at having to be reminded by a sheet of paper that his host sister is, in fact, a nice person, and turned his attention instead to coffee and an apple.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

(Insert James Bond name joke here)

My first week of school just finished, and if I had a swiss franc for every time someone made the James Bond name joke with my name, I'd probably have 5 or 6 francs, but I'm not sure, since I wasnt counting.

Some people from Rotary over here warned the exchange students that the Swiss are "very private people" and "it will be difficult to make friends". Fortunately for me, even the Swiss aren't immune to my god-like charisma and intoxicating charm (please don't take that statement seriously).

Kidding aside, I see what they mean, if you're walking by yourself, people wont come up and say hi, in fact, people don't go out of their way to say "hi" at all. That's a bit different than what I'm used to, but I certainly don't find it negative.

Fortunately for me I had a man on the inside before starting school, a friend of mine is in my class-group-thing   (I'll talk about the classes in another post) and since I started a week later than everyone else, he had time to warn people that I was coming.

The day before my first day, he informed me that (thanks to him) everyone was under the impression that I was very intelligent and equally handsome... sounds great, right? Nope. Now people had expectations of me. And if there's one thing I get mildly annoyed about, it's people expecting things from me.

As it turns out, I was worried for nothing, because I am intelligent and handsome buahahaha! (please don't take that seriously as well)